in harmony with Nature
Europe needs to secure sustainably its energy access
The broader use of Photovoltaic is a critical component to secure the European energy independence. Its adoption is today reinforced by the geopolitical uncertainties, the absence of gas resource and the resulting extreme volatility of the electricity pricing. The use of solar energy will accelerate the reduction of our carbon footprint, the protection of environment and people.
Mission Statement
Secure in Europe the access of clean and cost-effective solar energy to protect people and their environment. Deploy large scale PV manufacturing and power plants operating at neutral carbon footprint.
Bee Solar will develop and deploy GW scale manufacturing capacity in Europe with the lowest carbon footprint, considering a vertically integrated plant from ingot, wafers, cells and modules. Bee Solar is engaged to support the development of a regional ecosystem and supply chain, covering the polysilicon and other critical sub-components with the intent to reinforce the robustness and security while producing the highest quality, the most advanced and cost competitive wafers, cells and modules. Bee Solar also contemplates on developing large scale PV systems and to cover its own energy needs as well as other industrial off-takers.
Key Activities
Establish GWs scale Photovoltaic manufacturing
Localize the fabrication of Photovoltaic components in Europe
Establish a vertical and cost effective supply chain, from ingot, wafer, cells to modules
Deploy GWs scale capacity to establish a cost-effective position according to global benchmarks
Leverage the extensive regional R&D expertise and infrastructure to deploy the best-in-class technologies and roadmap for the future needs
Strengthen the industrial PV ecosystem in Europe, create new opportunities and durably support the regional market growth
Establish the lowest carbon footprint manufacturing facilities
Deploy and Operate Photovoltaic Power Plants
Produce & Market PV electrical energy
Develop and operate large scale PV projects with electricity storage stations
Cover the energy demand from Bee Solar manufacturing operation
Cover the energy needs of other large industrial off-takers under PPA framework
Design PV power plants with modules manufactured by Bee Solar in priority
Provide a long term energy contract with competitive offer, protecting the off takers from geopolitical uncertainties
Lower the carbon footprint of the industrial sector in Europe!
"The best way to predict the future is to create it"